Building Efficient and Effective Packaging Solutions Tailored for Your Business.
Our range of services and key partnerships with top equipment providers and suppliers ensure productivity, safety, sustainability, and uptime. We deliver consistent quality, ensure product availability, and add value, even as markets shift. And when there’s an opportunity for improvement, SEPG offers the materials and machinery to fully optimize your packaging processes.
Consultation + Innovation
Equipment + Services

Productivity. We help to ensure the right product matches your unique application.

Profitability. Targeted maintenance plans keep your equipment up and running to protect your bottom line.

Efficiency. We pinpoint inefficiencies in consumables and at front, middle and end of line, adding productivity and packaging consistency.

Comprehensive Services.We manage everything from initial assessment of your operations to implementation of new equipment solutions.

Improved Outcomes. Our process is designed for a seamless transition to increase productivity across all areas.
Stepping Outside the Box to Bring you to the Next Level.
Whatever it takes to streamline and empower your packaging line, SEPG offers the experience and capabilities your unique application demands.

Consumables. We are your singlesource partner for supplies that simplify production, reduce total costs and keep your people safe.

Technology + Innovation. We apply technology and best practices to helping you choose, evaluate and manage the products or services that fit your needs.

Packaging Equipment + Services. We deliver the top brands across your packaging line—helping you install, optimize, retrofit and maintain for productivity

Automation. From assessment to implementation, we provide automated systems for consistency, reliability and lower labor costs.

Sustainability. We reduce waste and drive savings–helping one customer cut film usage by 39% via a more effective film stretching solution.
Partnering with the Best.
We partner with the industry’s most innovative and respected providers of both supplies and equipment.
